
Nothing better than the start of a new race and training season.  Every year we dedicate ourselves to betterment through the racing process. Let's just say that everyone likes to go fast but not everyone can harness the beast of speed.  Black vans, trucks and frames.  Looking back at how far we have all come and it makes me proud. It really started back in 2009 with Nick and Zander Geddes and my $1500 Ford truck travelling to BC Cups.  Then in 2010 we had nice little red Toyota that we would stuff 5 guys and sometimes close to 10 bikes as well as full camping gear for everyone. To tell this story would take forever, but the backbone has always been the families that have trusted me to spend time with their youngsters.  Cheers to everyone that has ever donned a C4 jersey and after close to 10 years there are no signs of stopping.  Braap. c.